seems i'm getting out of control . feels like i'm running out of soul . i'm seeing lights . so i speaking right and breathing life . i predicted all my recent plights . i'm exhausted . trying to fall asleep . i'm lost inside my recent fight . it burdens on my shoulder, now . burning all my motors down . inspiration drying up . motivation slowing down . tired of all wardrobe changing . playing all these different spirits . living off these separate souls . point of life is getting hollow . can't wait for the exit hole . give me room to entry wound . let me in or let me go .

Oct 28, 2010

4 days left :'(

4 days left n i'm gonna mish my bimbim n also our baby, si cindy cipom gemok tembam. *sigh

i miss our tuesday nyte, been jokin around, talk n laugh, pinch, holding hands n blablabla.. i mish his eyes, his cheeks, his hair, his eyes, his mouth, his leg,  his hands, his voice, n everything.. huhu... i love ya yes~ my feelings towards him was grown strongly on from day to day.n i hope i can be with him on his birthday next year. i juz hope~

my cindy cipom yang sudah gemok

Oct 27, 2010


exam timetable (DTM)

Cross Cultural Studies--26/10 (done)
entrepreneurship--31/10 (done)
Legal Aspect of Travel Industry (LAW)--3/11 (done)
Travel and Tour management--7/11 (done)
Sales and Promotions--10/11 (done)
Transportation--14/11 (done)

i've to struggle 4 all these subjects. wish me luck!!!


tis is bob. haha.. dia ni sangatlah best, klakar! hari tu time aq sorg2 d ruma time awal2 sem, dia bwk aq jalan2 around the city, dia ckp tkut aq bosan dduk d rumah sorg2, tuh yg dia offer utk bwk aq jalan2. tp around melaka ja.. msuk jak kete dia, dia ckp cmni "nas..harini hari kaw, kaw nk pg mna kaw ckp je nas, aq leh bwk, ko ckp je nas" ha...  aq tgh boring msa tuh dats y la aq kuar, 1st skali dia siap2 bg aq oblong, dia suh aq mkn dlm kete tuh jgk tp aq xnk sbb aq xnk la, hahaha.. emm then dia bwk aq g jusco br. AEON.. kitorang mkn donut J.CO n yogurt sbb aq tersangatlah suka mkn yogurt. tp bob pgl bnda tuh ais krim masam, apa2 jakk bobbb.. hehe. klakar la bob nih. ha, pastuh kitorang kuar g jalan2 seluruh melaka, mcm2 jalan yg bob tnjuk kt aq, sbb aq ni suka sesat2 jalan, puas bob membebel bercerita pasal jalan2 tuh, shortcut suma dia tnjuk, tp aq rsa skunk aqsdh lupa, x igt sudahh. hehe. membazir air liur bob jakk.. maybe sbb aq x focus msa tuh.then aq ternmpk fun fair, dan2 aq ckp nk msuk fun fair, dia pun bantai bwk aq msuk funfair g x seberapa tuh, hehehe.. kitorang msuk ruma hantu, bapak seram wa ckp lu, (x seram pun sbnrnya,, geli ouh), em..bazir duit bob nihh , pastu kitorang kuar dr tempat vuduh itu smbil menggelakkan guard2 yg jaga parking d c2 sbb dia mcm kelakar, hahaha.  pastu aq ajk bob bwk aq g pirate park, aq nk lepak situ, then dia pun bwk la aq pg situ, d situ br larh aq mkn oblong yg dia belikan tuh,, bob mmg suka blnje aq mkn oblong.. kdg2 dia hntar kt ruma. sedap... buatan bukit rambai katanya. kt situ aq crta la psl past exes aq sumanya, mcm2 crta larh, pirate park tuh jgk ada mcm2 kenangan aq kt situ sejak dari form 5. hurm...  pastu kitorang pusing2 lagi, pastu balikk.. hehehe. i wrote diz in malay, maybe 1 hari aq kasi bob baca nihh,, haha

*b4 diz bob ada post story gak kt wall fb aq.. bit funny jgk lar, i juz copy & paste :D

Bob Apis aku ade sorg kwn..nme die nasuha.. em bleh pgil nas,naswa tau pon su.. tpi aku hnye dibnar kn memangil nye nas Nye cntik.. nk kte tngi pon tk tngi.. rndah pon tk rndah.. suam2 gito!

Bob Apis Kulit die puteh..mate die besar..bibir die merah.. yg best skali die ni baik org nye..lmah lmbot..budi base..span sntun..em 1 malaysia..

Bob Apis ape yg mnarik tntg die arr cre pemakaian die sdap!!..tpi tk leh puji..nanti die tau nape?..em die ada scopion..laen dri yg laen kn..

Bob Apis em die baik sgt dgn aku..aku sng dgn die..bnyk aku dpt bljr ble kwn ngan die..em cnth nye..die ajr aku mkn spgeti..sedap..die lh kwn plg best pnah aku jmpe!!

Bob Apis spjg bkwn dgn pnh aku mkn ati ke ape ke..cme kdg2 aku mrajok je..tpi kjp jje..em nk tau!aku ske dgr die becite...pnjg..bleh tetido di wat nye...

Bob Apis em byk cite die cite kt aku..psl zaman2 silam die..sdeh pown ada..klakar pown ada..em bnyk gmbr2 die bgi kt aku..sme nye cntik2! jgn puji..die tk tau npe?

Bob Apis em die klu mrah..die msti ckp mcm ni..'anoying la ko bob'..kdg2..klu aku slh ckp..die ckp cm ni..'be profesional la bob'..

Bob Apis tpi aku tk mrah pon..sbb aku tk tau ape mkne nye? .. em tk lh..aku tau die tk de niat pon nk ckp cm to .. weyh tau tk die isap rokok!!!

Bob Apis Aku pon bru tau..mse to kt joker..aku punye lh BENGANG + MARAH +MENYIRAP = SME ADA LAH....tpi dlu mse aku bru knl die aku jnji tkk kn mrah2 die ..lg pon dye knl rokok dlu sblm knl aku ..

Bob Apis em tpi tk heavy la..kd2 je..em cm ne pon aku ttp hormat ape yg die wat ..die ckp die pon tk nk slalu isap rokok..tkot bibir die itam.. ..klakar kn...

Bob Apis em die isap rokok WINSTON..ada mksd tau! Em cm ni..WAKTU INI NAS SANGAT TENSION OH! NO! ... jdi aku sngat2 la paam..

Bob Apis Em mse ari jdi aku die blnje aku mkn donut? sdp donut to..em ngan ais-krim msam to pon sdp..ttime kaseh bnyak2 ...

Bob Apis Em skg die dh nk abes bljr dh ..rse cm kjp sngat..aku arap lps ni dpt tros kwn ngan die lgi..em aku nk die tau..die tk pnah skit kn ati aku spjg aku bkwn dgn die..cikit pon tk pnah!!! ......

Bob Apis dan aku tau..aku bnyk sngt kitkn hati die..aku mintak maaf..i'm sory nas ..em pape pon aku happy .. aku snang .. aku suke bkwn ngan die...

Bob Apis Harapan aku
*arapan aku lps ni die sudi mesej ngn aku lgi..
*arapan aku lps ni die tk mrah dh klu aku ckp die cantik..
*arapan aku pas ni die tk isap rokok lgi..

Bob Apis ‎*arapan aku pas ni aku nk die happy2 slalu..
*arapan aku pas ni die sudi antau gmbr kt aku lgi..
*arapan aku pas ni die tk marah ble bce sme ni...


damn it! i hate cockroach!! i hate it! hate it! jerk! u're not cute!  hate eu! wuaaaaaaaaaaaa ;'(
half an hours ago, i'm screaming out loud in the bathroom juz bcoz of dis stupid things! i'm shock! borohh!~ kinda irritating! dun bother my life~ stay away from me! noobhai!~ i juz reached the towel n rush out from the bathroom! then i asked yana 2 eliminate dat fuckin' asshole cockroaches! :(


it's about tomorrow afta i went out with bob, i went out once more, but with whom? with cidan.. his name is actually shahidan, but i used 2 call him as cidan, he was my past ex. he left me for another girl.. i knew the girl.. a person who took him from me, but it's okay, i didn't suffer 4 that things anymore. n now.. he's already forgiven.. well.. i dun love u anymore.. tanxs GOD  :)

             he pick me up at 1.30, we spent time to lunch together, karaoke, bowling, toddle around the town, bought few item at megamall, watch horror muvi, "THE CHILD'S EYE" enjoying car racing games, netball (twice) hehe.. then.. we got rest on DP's field, he bot me 'jagung kukus' we talk n laugh..  n lastly, we took our dinner b4 going back. hmm... he was so nice 2 me.. sometimes i wonder y all my past exes tryin 2 be so nice 2 me?? 4get dat~

             i can see the honesty thru his eyes, his sincerity thru his attitude, yah~ ppl changed.. but it's too late rite.. i dun hv any feelings toward him (even a bit)..  he's handsome, nice, generous n cool~ wut else.. somehow i feel like i  juz let go of the past, dun wan 2 look back. i juz feel pleasant 4 being his fren..

evaluate his attitude :

* he paid all those things 4 me ( the cost 4 the day) i want to pay 4 some certain things we did on dat day but he prevent!

* he bought me a pop corn set combo 3, it's enuf right? but he still want 2 buy twisties n other item 4 me, but i refused. ouh dun act dat fucking nice 2 me, 'cuz i dun want dat.

*15 minutes b4 we entering cinema, i had spilled the water.. luckily he dint act angry n says something offensive.he's kinda cool, he took the plastic bag from me, brought it 2 the trash container, n clean wut shud be cleaned, then he asked me 2 hold the drink n popcorn, while he go 4 getting a new plastic bag and buy a new drink for me. i felt a bit guilty :( while he still remain cool all the time~ huhu

*on the way back 2 the house, we're stuck in traffic jams, damt it!~ about an hour n half. but he still was very cool~ huhu.. he keep askin' me whether i am tired? sleepy? tired?? bored? tired?? sleepy ?? i am not! didn't i suppose 2 ask him dat rite?? 'cuz he's driving,, he's tired.. lol~ dun treat me like a princess. i'm okay.. i'm juz an ordinary ppl~

*we lost in the path! it's all bcoz of me... i gave a wrong direction 2 him. hehe.... after he cross the shortcut way (2 avoid traffic congestion) we are suddenly locate at masjid tanah area.. huhu... we stopped 4 dinner at the restaurant, afta dat, with confidence, I gave the wrong road signage 2 him. OMG... we're suddenly at klebang, way out 2 the town.. once again.. i've been troubling him.. so sory huh,, but he still keep it calm, act professionally 2 find the way 2 my house at Lendu ;) n i'm finally home! :D

pix cidan with his ex (faz yg ala2 fauziah ghous)


urm... tomorrow's mornin' afta the day, he text me sounds like diz " tanxs su.. sbb lastly su nk jgk kuar ngn cidan lg, ssh btul kn.. slalunya ada je alsn, cidan hepy sgt dpt kuar ngan su... emm.. su nk jadi gf cidan? cidan still syg su lg la" then i replied him, explain to him abt somethin', n everything.. n ya... probably 'coz i broke his heart with my answer n explanation, he choose 2 resigned from me, n i do hope dat he will get a better person in the next future :) " i juz fulfill ur desire 2 spend time with me once.  n i admit i had a great time with ya~ i really appreciate it.hah! congrats babe!  i'm hepy with ur changes in term of ur attitude n the way u treat me. obviously complete! i wish u luck in ur life... " well..  i guess he knew my feelings towards him is juz as a fren~ nothing more than dat

mownink laugh~

Diz morning, again~ bob (myfren) makes me laugh after get up from sleeping, he sent me those texts, it sounds funny, hahahaha :

ingt tk..kwn aku yg aku cite dlu to..alah yg slalu ckp aku anoying to..ha die lah!..em ari to aku ada lpk ngan die kt blnje aku air ar..ape tah..aku nk sbot tau..tpi nk mengeje tk tau la..hehe..em yg aku tau kne goncang dlu sblm minum..haha..sdap air to..dh lme dh die nk blanje aku air to..em aku jew tk nk..tpi lpas ni klu die nk blanje aku lgi mmg nak! hakhakhak..em weyh tau tak, die brani dowh..aku pown tk sngke die bleh wat cm to..aku pown tk brani wt ape yg die wat..die mem**********************************************.hahaha

kite org tngok cite jgn pndg blakang congkak 2..em best cite to,,smpai ada org to..x ingt dunia tengok..hahaha..ade la org to...alah bdk yg seludup jajan to..em beli jajan tk mkn..suruh org plk mkn..geram jer..hehe..pape pown time kasih la kt die..klu die tk de..mgkin aku sesat dlm wayang to nk crik tmpt dudok punye pasal..hahaha

3) nk tau tak..die ni keras pale..aku dh ckp dh..***********...tpi die degil..nk **************..aku ckp******** dye ckp ****** sbb dye pnah ngan kwn2 die..em dgn kuase bulan, die tlah  dimalu kn oleh **********hehe..die marah giler ngan bdk to..lame plak die marah2 to jenuh aku mendengar nye..haha..aduai...sonok btol la ari to..
4) klu nk tau die ni seram gak tau..menakot kn gak la..kejadian ni belaku mse aku ngah drive on the way ke d.p..bnde ni blaku sebaik sje aku ckp aku dh jual nset aku..tibe2 aku dgr suare yg seakan2 guruh di langit..pang!pong!pang!pong! ... seperti kilat sambar menyambar..wakto to jam bru 8.30m..tapi seram giler..sbb aku bedue je dlm kete..die seakan2 di sampok makhluk alus..menghentak2 kaki, memukul2 dash box kete, meronta2 suare die bleh memecah kesunyian mlm..dan mengangu ketenteraman org awam..ish takot kn..em die marah aku sbb jual nset to..menyesal aku ckp..hehe..

5) ar nmpk tak..die memang best kn..em seram ada..kelakar ada..sonok ada..haha..tmbh2 lgi die sngat2 la cntik pde mlm to..dan aku sngat2 la belagak pde wkto to..sbb sme pengunjung dp memandang nye..die seksi mlm tau..hehe..

6) 1 mlm aku dpt kuar ngan 3 org..gengster..em org kene rasok..em dan artis..hahaha..kelakar tol lah..kadang2 tetanye2 gak..ape la pahale yg aku wat..smpai tuhan bgi aku kwn sebegini baik nk je puji lah..tpi kang kene marah lak..em..pape pown maceh tok sme ni..skg2nye ade gak kenangan kn..em t.q kwn..

hehehe.. bob is kinda funny lor sometimes~ actually aq x kesah pun mo kwn nan sepa pun, as long as dia pndai jaga hati aq, pndai jd kawan, ada msa aq susah or senang. eventho dia ni cm mengong2, tp xpelah.. dia ok.. aq hepy jgk bila dia hepy. ..  aq x suka kwn yg memilih, suka komen2 n blablabla~.. kinda irritating rite.. so jaga la ati kwn. (walaupun actually aq bnyk sktkn ati bob) so sorry haa..

Oct 10, 2010

Dorian’s Decay – Glass Bones and Paper Skin LIVE @ Metro

messed up

U will experience a feeling of complete loss of hope. U may feel angry with your friends/family 'cause everyone keeps telling u it will get better, or they may cut down or insult ur bf and tell u dat u are better off now. Eu feel as if no 1 in the world at dat moment can comprehend the amount of pain n anguish u are in..u do not want 2 hear dat u will feel better soon, or move on. It doesn't seem dat way at all. Eu will dwell on all the memories u once had n wallow in the mere fact dat they are over. All future plans, little or small, are now gone. Any dreams or things dat u had wished 2 experience with dat person is gone, n it is almost impossible 2 accept diz, be with the person dat has both made u feel such incredible happiness, n despair. Eu may look through his post, txt messages, n all, dat they had previously sent u, n the memories flood back n u find despair once more.

[ When heartbroken, u will still experience bits of happiness, however, ur moods n emotions will be on a roller clothing faster. u feel like giving up,n said it so many times, but somehow u just can't. The worst thing I ever had is fall in love with somebody who never love me like I do,its hurt me so much ]


my mind, body n spirit are strong. i take time each day to rejuvenate n recharge. i draw from a deep well of peace n calm. i breathe in strength n release my fears. i go after my heart's deep desires. i can accomplish anything. i choose to be unstoppable. i am strong. i act in spite of my fears. i am bigger than my concerns n worries. i go for it with guesto!. i can do anything i put my mind to. each day i am getting stronger. i take a great care of myself. i trust my intuition n live a courageous life.


budak2 yg lahir pd thn 90an mesti ingat mase
skola rendah dulu:

- kat skola ade salesman jual buku cerita. ari ni bg list, esok mintak duit beli walaupun cerita buku tu dah tau. salesman susu pon camtu gak. 

- kat library, budak2 mmg baca buku tp just tengok gamba je. bile ade program Nilam, sebok semua nak pinjam buku.

- RMT kat skola mkn x best, tp yg berduit pon join RMT, x phm....

- pakai pensel box yg bole bukak dpn blkg, pastu ade sharpener kat tgh2 die.

- main lwn pemadam, syg nak guna utk padam. padahal itu fungsi sbnr, utk padam!

- pakai pembaris yg bergerigi, kat dlm ade air pastu ade bende berkilat dlm air tu.

- cikgu pakai pembaris kuning pjg. Ade pemegang kat tgh2 tp x penah nmpk cikgu pgg pon kat situ.
- bulu ayam jd ramping krn sering dijadikan rotan.

- time pendidikan seni, lukis sume boleh tp bile time kaler sume hampeh. ade gak buat anyaman pakai kertas warna, kolaj la, ape la...

- main game 2D. super contra, super mario, street fighter, sume pakai tape.

-jam tgn Boy London jd idaman, sbb bole tuka2 kaler ikut suhu n cuaca.

- takut BCG tp lepas inject poyo la pulak...

- balik skola beli JoJo xpon Dendang. Tora pon best gak. Beli se mata2 nak mainan, coklat die x mkn pon.

- Kasut berlampu kat tapak, yg iklan die kat tV bole tembak alien tu...

- Siri kartun; power rangers, ultraman, transformers, ninja turtles, Thundercats, maskman, Gaban dan mcm lg.

jgn lupe sume ni sbb zaman skrg budak2 x
smpt lyn bende2 ni. kite akan sentiasa berubah, cume asal-usul kite yg permanent. huhu

Oct 9, 2010


from above
( iema, zieqa, asta, yana, lyn, izah, fara)

iema : urm,, she could be a gud mumma 4 us, i guess!  huhuhu ; since she had a character as a very respOnsible n caring 2 us all, wake us up in every morning, clean up the house, cook 4 us..n etc~ she's not easily get angry, being so cool all the time, yah~ sumtimes, she act weirdo! lol~ haha.. but it is very common in our house.. iema was the most diligent compared 2 us all, she accomplish anything as she can, i hate when she was too focus on revising,stdying~ while i am not!! physcho ;-/ urm... mostly anything stated bout her was everything nice.. yah~ i proud 2 hv h/mate like her.. but..... sometimes, she love 2 whine such a little gurl, when she had desires towards something maybe! haha.. then she would wrinkled her forehead till merge both eyebrow~ she got a long hair! nice hair i loike! <3 she can be pampered 4 sometimes. woot2~ haha... n also, she always singing out loud! shout out!~ lately > "IMPOSSIBBLE song"  kinda funny hah~ bhahahaha...ok, go iema, go!~ XD

fara : she's a cute lil' gurl with his pretty perfect n manageable hair...kind of talkative n sOmetimes anger. In our house, she is actively talk..when she's start to talk about something, it can be a nOn-stop. hahaha..maybe she got too many ideas in the head.. uhuh! she's quite grumpy too~  woO~ when she is angry or not satisfied wif somethin', she'll do anything, blow away the offensive wOrds 2 ppl who hurt her so much! beware huh... recently, she had quarreled wif her bOyfriend, as usual... scream hysterically!!!!!!!.. she did it. lol~  hahaha... n if she was in dat way, she won't be aware of wut she did, she had broke the 'cekak rambut' belongs to iema .poor iema.. XD but it has been replaced by a new 1~ huhu..  emm.. she love 2 be alone in the room,i guess.. with her lappy, having fon conversation with alif , studying and everything.. she's quite hardworking when studying as well~ go fara go! haha..

izzah : such a tiny girl! light skin colour, slim and slender,n always maintain with his body weight~ hahaha.. i'm a bit jealous! but okay.. she's lucky :D  urmm.. i tot.. she Oweys deep well in a peace :> not a lot of 'ona' huhu.. everyone's noe she always walk along with her spectacle. she's a bit dim *whisper, huu..  haish (no need 2 talk abt diz actually) lol. mengOng c osO larh.. bit similar in term of dat owk..shh.. and else, she loves 2 watch horror n scary mOvies juz like me. So, we can get along together while watchin' a fuckin' scary muvi n hoo...sometimes, she is funny,cute joke sometimes..  did she realize dat? haha. as we noe, she was treasurer in da house, girls~ we dun hv 2 worry, i noe dat she can be trusted in financial matters. ow sometimes she's mature, n sometimes she acts childish n pampered.. ngokngek. hehe.. yah!~ she had ADI! who's ADI? tettttttttttt~ (future husband maybe) bhahaha. they used 2 skype everyday~ EVERYDAY! anyway she looks happy with her life now, with adi.. hehehe.

yana : dayana! she can't be seperated with her mole on her cute nose.. or we called it as a "button", it was an asset 4 her 2 live her life. we, as her housemates has 2 be respOnsible if something happen 2 her pretty mole.... hope u won't keep anger n offended with our joke.. huhu.. we're just kidding.. she's beautiful, i admit it.. she got a very beautiful skin, smooth and bright.. nice hair, 'ikal mayang di ulik'  oushit, dun praise her too much,or else her mole wud be darted off! beware okay~ urm.. she love 2 laugh! chuckle, but prolonged... hahaha..she love 2 talk abt seks! hahaha, i considered her as "si gila seks" ngee~ nope~ i juz fooling around~ sadap asta sadap! urm... she's kind of anorexia, if possible she wud like 2 achieve the kind of thin such 'paris hilton' .. stupid! her body looks skinny enuf! wut the heck is goin on with ur eyes! dush2! urm... she's blurrrrrrrrr (sometimes) haha..urm...she's gentle n polite (i'm lying here)..bhaha.. okay.. other gud things bout her is.. she could be an advisor 2 ppl who in need.. :) but  herself is "harussssssssssss' bhahahaha.. 4get it, dun try 2 understand~

zieqa : my twin! yup, ppl always say dat kind of thing. u both twin??? twin?? haha.. We probably fraternal~ aite..urm... she kinda cool b4..  but lately, she tend 2 be hot tempered, idk ~ huU.. i miss the old zieqa, haha.. no joke, i'm serious. urm.. hah!~ i considered her as my 'angah' .. we're siblings~ hehehehe.. gosh! she dint hv an acne like me!  she got a fairy skin *jealous ^_^ huu.. she was the only person in dis house who has a vehicle.. so it helped us a lOt, facilitate our mOvement 2 go anywhere, tanxs zieqa! emm.. she loves 'hero' so much! he's an actor!  one of the member of DBSK, (korea's boyband) diz gurl ho.. quite addicted with korea's boyband, n also everything abt korea, *songs  *movies..  haha.. zzZZ..she goes 2 sleep as soon as she felt sleepy, huhux, everyone's did! wut a stupid statement.. ngee~ XD... next.. umm.. she's quite sensitive, dats her.. :) n yah~ she loves 2 help her friends, i do appreciate it when u tryna help me when i need it~ can be said, she is also sOmetimes "1kepala" with me. so maybe we can get along together, but sOmetimes, we're not! we fight just for a small matter.. it's ridiculous! haha.. it's okay.. We dint take toO long 2 remedy the situation when there is dissatisfaction among us~ chill yaw~

lyn : My adek! huU.. i consuming her as my adek.. sometimes,with sesukahati i called her by the name farisha, Huu.. she's liyana larh~ she's cute, everyone is familiar wif his kecomelan.. everything abt her is cute, her body, face, hair~ hehe..she hv a bit layer of highlight on his hair. style? yup! her attitude is depends on her mood, at first sight, or in law, it is called prima facy.. ppl would judge her as an arrogant n not friendly, maybe 'cause she is difficult 2 cast a smile~ n always frown..  but she is actually a good person, good friend, funny, pretty wow, n etc. hehe.. trust me, u will feel pleasant when being together with her, i can say dat she is understanding, but pliz BEWARE! if she sulks toward something.. God only knows, her face wud become a bit creepy, scary . lol~ dared 2 greet.hehehe... am i too much? sory farisha, juz jokin' around.i had much experience with her..especially in KL. hahahaa.. *laughing XD she's also gud in struggle. huhu,, chaiyuk2! homaigod,, she's also addicted with japanese stuff!! korean osO!~ same as angah, she's addicted 2 korean songs n movies n also the ppl~ she love MICKY (her husband), but, i feel sad 'cause my adek was a playgurl~ she hv micky, taemin, mikail, who else?? ok i dun wanna talk abt it~ micky mouse stuff also be part of her life.. cute aite~ haha.

<3 them so much!!

Friends come in many shapes n sizes.. they can be a sister or a mother.. We cherish them all the same.. We love them like no other.. We share the laughter n the tears.. together thru the ups n downs dat come, a friend make us realize dat two are better than one! :)

friend will always see u through..
believe in the things u want to do..
feel happy when ur dreams come true..
Friends will always be right there..
with wisdom, faith n strength to share..
with loves dat shows how much they care..
dat's juz the way friends are..

[zieqa, izzah, yana, asta, fara, lyn, iema ]

birthday !!

it's Refqi's birthday!!! suprised by LYN!! actually refqi is syiro's BF n Lyn's BFF from BP (batu pahat, Johor). huu.. we juz celebrated his bufday last 3 days if i'm not mistaken,, haha.. "not so sure" like always.. diz could be my belated post ~ huU.. urm.. at first, we ate chicken chop at the stall beside the Bayviews Hotel at Bandar Hilir,then we went 2 dataran pahlawan (DP) to buy a birthday cake 4 refqi, afta dat, we juz proceed 2 make suprise 4 refqi at Pirate park which located in town, near the malacca River n hang Tuah mall, gOt some entertainment by riding pirate ship, photoshoot, n lepaking 4 mnum2 at hang Tuah restaurant..  ENUF WHEN EVERYONE'S HAPPY~ sOme photos 2 show ;

From left to right

J.O.K.E.R last nyte !!

time : 1a.m till 7a.m
location : joker

yah~ i need some entertainment!! hv fun asta! :)

Oct 8, 2010

fon number

last week if i'm not mistaken, i went out with my housemates, *hang out~ eat 2gether,watch muvi..we were watching "The Legend Of the Guardian 3D" it's about an Owl cOmmunity~ hahaha,, funny+cute+great~

ouh! the main point here, while walking out the cinema, at the moment i return 3D glasses, there r 2 guys standing there.. guys in front said diz 2 me " awak...ada org nk knl ngan awak.." then, guys behind was stretched a small piece of paper n smiled a smile,*bit crap..huu.. he told me dat there was a guy who ask 2 pass diz paper 2 me~ emm okay, i juz take it~  take then juz ignore~ not 2 response toward it~ lol.

Oct 5, 2010

too busy

all about assessment ( test, quiz, assignment ) , MUET, preparation 4 presentation, n also class replacement.. our classes 4 2day were too pack.damnnnn..... day-to-day...week-to-week.. i''m tired! *sigh.. the most tough ASSignment i ever had is ENTREPRENEURSHIP. re-do n re-do... tamo dahhhhhhhhh!!  it's a group assignment which involving Zieqa as ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER, Zul as MARKETING MANAGER, Lyn as OPERATING MANAGER, n me myself as a FINANCIAL MANAGER~ Set up our Own business which is "MY Donut" (it's like J.Co n Big Apple Company) suppose 2 be done by yesterday, but afta we submitted, seems like every group got trouble, n all the group in the class are required 2 RE-DO the fuckin' shit proposal~  ahah..... *got headache.. Plus, tomorrow will be a test, ETR. goshhhhhh... i hate ETR. So tonite we gonna stay up 4 duin past year paper.. *stdying n blablabla~...

Oct 3, 2010


diz morning, we attended the pre-graduation banquet dat was held at Hotel Equatorial, bandar hilir, we leaves at 8, the banquet runs till 1pm in which all students are required 2 wear malay costume.. yah~ of course I wore braces dat look transparent with pario. however, i dun really like the meals dat were provided. It's is characterized spices.We juz sit n heard some speeches from Datuk Mizan (Pengarah kampus) , watch food presentations from EQ Hotel ( it was AWESOME! ), lunch,  take some pictures n blablabla~