diz had happened on 3 days afta haky handed me the responsibilities 2 keep our baby; cindy~ i dun really know wut has happened 2 cindy till i came 2 my bestie's (aqish) home 2 look for cindy, i intend 2 clean up my cindy since my fren doesn't know how 2 manage dat squirrel.. i choose 2 be there in weekend afta work off~ so we can work together 2 manage cindy.. abt an hour afta i arrived at my bestie's home, we went out at the back of her house, i mean, at the store where cindy were placed.. actually, once 1 had look at my cindy's physical, i oredy know dat she's dead already, nothing i can do while i'm a bit shock at dat moment, i miss my hyperactive cindy ='( i want 2 touch her alive, but i can juz touch her stiff, unsoul body.. i mean, dead body~ aqish has cried much while i'm not! i had tried 2 hold on bcuz i dun want her 2 feel unpleasant n guilty towards all those things... diz is not her fault.. i guess, cindy has dead bcuz she was not very well in abt a month.. she had lost her appetite n starts being passive according 2 wut haky had told me b4.. i dun really noe wut the actual matters happened. i really2 miss my cindy.. ='( i dwell on all the memories i had together with cindy..
and absolutely , i dun hv courage 2 tell haky bout diz in a very short time.. i took an hour 2 calm down b4 get to haky's knowledge.. he acted calm n quite sad actually~.. he asked me to bury cindy well.. n delete her fb acc~ i did it, but i dint del cindy's acc 4 fb, i juz deactivate it, cuz 4 me, it was like a memory 4 our late cindy.. :(
mama gonna mish eu cindy ... T_T
sempat je aq pkai mask ney.. suma aqish punye keje ;> well.. mama gonna mishh eu cindy :(