okay but the point is, i had a very bad dream abt "me" driving in a worst condition, out of control, lost in the pathway, stuck in a heavy rain n i cant even see the path, lost n mess..sometimes, it was like a long way off n kelaut, n ended up with something morbid n terrible.. yet in my recent dream is dat my brake paddle doesnt work n i cant handle it cuz i was fucking anxious at time~ n myheart beating so fast n even when i had just woken up from sleep.. it still feels~ ya..it was so-called 'nightmare'.. hmm.. the nightmare keep repeating in several times~ n it has frighten me of course.
dayyem.. its just bcuz all those idiot stuffs.. i might be little scared, n feels like traumatic n also reduced my self-confidence a bit~ shittah! hurm )= so i hv to motivate myself everyday.. -___-' i'm telling myself dat maybe diz kind of overthinkin' will ruin me, ruin the situation, n turn things around, make me worry, n just make things worse than they actually are~ so dont let it be. c'mon naswa, bring out ur inner spirit.. wallahh.. just dun tink abt it too much. dont forget to pray whenever eu feel insecurity. remain cool.. okay naswa ? ^__^ hurm.. k dun worry, in wutever tomorrow bring, Allah will always walk with us thru it.