I will admit dat life has been throwing a few curve balls, n I've
been tryin my best to keep up. Life is hectic, n I hv NOT forgot
abt all my peeps out there, i've been missing them since i delete my fb n twitter :( ... this is due to chaotic mind i hv. Honestly speaking, they has been on my mind
EVERYDAY! am currently being antisocial, wallahhh !! okay this is temporary. i did this due to my personal concern :) i'll be back, dunno when why what how..
For the most part life is a roller coaster, dat I usually try to look
at in the most optimistic way possible, but there are a few times, when I
cant help but look at things negatively, sue me, I'm human! Life is
hard, n I'm at the age where am sill young, but am too old to not be
living life to the fullest.n yeah... i was living in a hectic life as a degree student, n i went thru diz 2011 with great challenges, i had to face hardships for all those degree stuffs, yea they all obviously went thru so~ n i had to face some shits (not appropriate to be mentioned), to deal with these things is utterly depressing. plus, i dun even hv time for myself. to make myself look great?? no i dun hv time, to make myself happy em i will.. sometimes, if i hv time n money in my pocket, haha.. to find a boyfriend, errr.. am seemingly not 'laku' wahaha, tahniah la disitu~ yah.. live without a sweetheart is not sweet. oh wow, my words came out so sweet . okay dont copy, am going to tweet diz once right after i go back into twitter soon.. holla regarding to my words in blue color, i mean.. live without a boyfiey is extremely boring, n am tryin my best to find as much excitement as i can. huhu.. nonetheless, am going to keep fighting for what i want!! trust n believe!! (Eventho I've been quite unsuccessful. eu win some, eu lose some) okay? no? =)
owhaa.. eventho i was too busy, we're too busy, but i still managed to hit my pwincess (lynChunnie@nur liyana) with a tat bit surprise !! huhu, am cooking for her (bad taste i swear, so i named it wut so called "mee udang basah"), i went to jusco, like 'mak2' shopink sayo2 n bhn2 mskn, i bought 2 pieces of secret recipe, chicken wings, strawberry, blueberry, sunkist n it is enuf.to cheer her up on her special day =) okay, couple of photos are as follows :)