seems i'm getting out of control . feels like i'm running out of soul . i'm seeing lights . so i speaking right and breathing life . i predicted all my recent plights . i'm exhausted . trying to fall asleep . i'm lost inside my recent fight . it burdens on my shoulder, now . burning all my motors down . inspiration drying up . motivation slowing down . tired of all wardrobe changing . playing all these different spirits . living off these separate souls . point of life is getting hollow . can't wait for the exit hole . give me room to entry wound . let me in or let me go .

Nov 18, 2010

can't zzZ

Diz picture essentially captions my unconscious life.. My sleeping life~ Or rather my insomnia... anyways. I’ll hv periods withOut it, of course~ but it always comes back. It’s pretty much my herpes, i mean, never toO sure when it’s gOnna strike but always knOwing it very well might... I think diZ is an effect of my behavior in which i always stayed up at nyte during the passed examination week~ so by the time midnight rolled around I couldn’t keep my eyes close... nothing on my mind, nothing distracting me, n yet I lie there until dawn....n no, dat’s not an exaggeration~ Hours upon hours I lie there, angry, upset, exhausted~ I wanted 2 scream, 2 throw sOmething, but I juz lie there~ n lie there~ n lie there~~ I can’t count how many nytes I hv juz like diz one. Even when I hv a gud nyte sleep I wake up a few times, n sOmetimes can’t get back to sleep.. n start 2 bother my hubby, haky~ very rarely do I sleep well thru the nyte, restfully~

MILO!! haha.... i'm here.. now.. in front of my lappy, typing n texting while sucking a cup of milo powder~ yeah!! =D